
Bat-Rep 02/23/2009, More questions

Yet another exciting battle between the Dark Angels and the Necrons... yeah we really don't have any other local opponents. Both of us have plans on a second army (Matt actually has started gathering models.) Anywho here goes the bat-rep.

2000 Pt Army on a 4'x4' table (god this was small)
Mission: Seize Ground; 3 Objectives
Deployment: Pitched Battle
Necron 2000 Pt Army

Dark Angels 2000 Pt Army

Matt wins roll off for markers, and places one near his side, and his other near my marker on my side (Note the oh so original plastic apoc banners.) I roll a 3 to his 1 for deployment and also elect to go second.

Top of Round 1: DA deploys on the board, except Belial's squad. DA teleports in his termies, using the bikes to prevent scatter. Shooting across the battle field with Las Cannons and Plasma Cannons, he is able to take out 3 models.

Bottom of Round 1: My Destroyers and Heavy Destroyers shoot back, taking out a termie and someone from the heavy squad. Most models get up from WWB

Result, nothing really gained, the DA now control one flag from deploying so close.

Top of Round 2: Las and Plasma Cannons as usual. All misses. Termies Capture the second flag and begin to bunker in.

Bottom of Round 2: Looking for some action, the Destroyer Lord and Wraith leap forward to take on the tank destroying it. Although this was later realized to be a low value target.

Top of Round 3: Belial arrives and the tomb spyder is killed by the termies who shoot the thing to death. The Jetpack troops assault into the destroyer lord (who was unattached.) Result ends up being no loss for the DA and one dead lord.

Bottom of Round 3: Lord succeeds on WWB. Remaining scarabs from Tombspyder leap to contest the middle flag. Shooting from all the surrounding Necrons demolishes the Jetpack squad to 1 soldier. Here is where my rookie mistakes started taking place. I was supposed to jetbike my destroyer and wraith back behind cover. I forgot to do so, which resulted in them being out on their own. I feared that Baliel would assault the squad, and I didn't want to leave the last man time to regroup (cause they do that automatically.) So I assaulted in, kill the last man, then consolidated back a few inches.

Top of Round 4: DA shoots at lord, killing him yet again, then Belial assaults into the wraith, killing both. Belial consolidates back 6".

Bottom of Round 4: Lord gets back up, and quickly retreats behind cover. Destroyers, Heavy destroyers, and warriors shoot into belial's squad killing two, he saves the apothicary wipe for something that never comes.

Top of round 5: Bikers turbo boost up to the third flag. Termies take out the remaing scarabs. DA now controls all three markers. Termies consolidate but don't get fully behind cover.

Bottom of Round 5: I attempt to shoot the termies, but no result. I do shoot the bikers and wipe them off the board. I should have consolidated but even then that would have left me with just 1 marker and DA 2 markers. I had a feeling that if there was a turn 6 that I would have been wiped out had I tried to contest the Termie flag so I didn't. This was probably a bad idea on the whole, but the dice gods were on my side.

Roll for Round 6: Success

Top of Round 6: Termies move out of cover, then assault the nearest squad of warriors, killing over half, but the unit doesn't break. Once again, rookie mistakes. I place the models who are wounded down from the back, when they should have come from the front, the result would have been his termies having to consolidate into my army which would have pulled them away from 3" of the marker, they were already 3".

Bottom of Round 6: I move my Destroyers up to the Termie flag, on the left, then move my right squad of desteroyers, turbo boosted, to the right flag, just reaching contention. My troopers assault the three remaining termies, killing only one.

Result: All three flags are contested.

Roll for Round 7: Fail

Game results in tie: DA - 0 / Nec - 0 Markers

We both felt we did things wrong, and we also had a question about Jetbikes. I read the rules as saying that they can pass over dangerous terrain, and only roll if they stop on dangerous terrain. There for, when using turbo boost, they dont have to worry about going around dangerous terrain, as they never have to worry about it to begin with. Thoughts?

It was a good battle, it was probably won by both of us once or twice, but due to mistakes it ended in a tie. We are still having rules problems, but they are more specific, and are more of the kind that require close examination.

Interesting thought. Matt planned the board to match Fritz's Saim-Hann style. He was able to bring it off for the most part on round 5 and would have won, had there not been a round 6. As a result of these tactics, I countered on round 6 with the same, contesting all and getting a tie and not a loss. The question arises, who was more cheesy. Matt made the comment at the end of the game that I wouldn't have gotten any sportsmanship points at a tourny using my round 6 tactics, which I agree with and didnt complain or counter argue. But I dont see any difference between my use of turbo boosting and his in round 5. Oh well, I have decided that when I go to the competition in March, I will use what tactics will win.

Another question: Cound someone please explain the new line of sight rules clearly. I read the rules and I have to ask, if a model stands above cover, do they get any kind of save (Jetbikes are tall.) If a jetbike is taller than the models in front, can he be shot at? If a squad of immortals are behind a squad of warriors, can the immortals be targeted? And when shooting from behind one squad, does the target get saves? Say the immortals want to return fire, does their wounds allow cover saves because they are behind the necron warriors? I know these seem like newb questions, but we are getting bogged down in the small details now, and cover is so big in 5th edition.

Oh, as an aside, the FTW dice, rolled excellent.

Our Number is Legion


Destroyers, Oh My!

Welcome to another delayed installment.

I have been painting, I promise. Well I had to have a little goading from my fiance, but I got the destroyers and heavy destroyers almost complete. Here is a picture of one of the Destroyers, its the same colors as my other models, I am actually quite pleased with these models. There are currently 7 Destroyers and one more still in the box.

Next up are the heavy destroyers. I decided to model them just a little different. Besides the paint scheme being more minimalist, I added a metallic green, and reversed the torso on the destroyer shell. I personally like it alot more this way, it remides me of the Paladin artillary pieces, the big gun needing to be further back for stability.

I also had 11 more Warriors finished. But instead of taking a picture of more warriors, yet again, I decided to post the finished army as of now. So enjoy this large picture. I actually have more scarabs than bases right now, coming out around 13 swarms I believe. Of course I went with the 3 scarabs per swarm, giving me many more.

Thats all for now, I am tired and off to bed to enjoy a good nights rest. I have about three more weeks till the competition. I need to paint a destroyer lord, a tomb spyder, and possibly another destroyer for the competition.

Our Number is Legion


First trial list for March Tournament

Okay I wanted to post my list here, I am not one of the uber secret people who is hardcore on the tourney circuit, so I have no problems showing off what I will be bringing.

2000 Pt. List
  • Destroyer Lord: w/Res Orb, and Staff of Light
  • Lord: w/Res Orb, War Scythe, and Phylactery
  • 4 Squads of Warriors: 10 models each
  • Immortals: 10 models
  • 2 Squads of Destroyers: 3 models each
  • Wraith: 3 models
  • Tomb Spider
  • Heavy Destroyer: 3 models
Total Pts.: 1998
Phase Out at 48 models, or 16 Models left on the board.
So thats the list. There is alot of shooting which is why I wanted the wraith as one of those come out of no where models. The only thing I feel iffy on is the tomb spider. I can't decide on removing this model and replacing it with another destroyer or what. Maybe even coming up with points to put in a second extra destroyer and having two squads of 4. Oh, and I am fine with not having a monolith. Yes its a large vehicle that draws alot of fire. Also the Phly on the lord is pretty much just an add on, I didn't know what else to do with the last 17 pts.

Here is what I have that I could play with:
  • 44 Warriors
  • 10 Immortals
  • 3 Wraith
  • 2 Destroyer Lords
  • 1 Lord
  • 1 Nightbringer
  • 1 Deceiver
  • 8 Destroyers
  • 3 Heavy Destroyers
  • 1 Tomb Spider
  • 1 Monolith
I need to register for the tourney soon, and when I register they require your list. So having these models in mind, any suggestions?

Our Number is Legion



First, I want to thank my fiance, who is both loving and generous. For our four year anniversary she purchased the models you will see towards the end.

So I havn't been painting at all since my last post. Just havn't had the drive. Instead I have been playing the video game Left 4 Dead. The game is awesome and I enjoy the satisfaction of killing zombies. But since I do that I can't paint. So now I really do need to buckle down.

Here is why, the tourney is in mid March, and this picture shows what I have left to paint.

There are a bunch of destroyers and some more warriors, and I recently purchased a destroyer lord. There is still the monolith to be painted too.

Now here is what I got as a gift, its both C'tans', a destroyer, a destroyer lord, and a tomb spider. All of which will fill my army in nicely. Of course to do that, I have to paint them also. Which means I have to come up with some kind of paint scheme for the C'tans'.

So I need to stop procrastinating and get to work, and although I know its a hobby (had that post in the past,) it still needs to be done soon.

Our Number is Legion