But I hate the Badrukk model from GW. Its too short and squat, the pirate hate/flags look dated to a time when GW didn't have the same sculpting resources it has now. So I have been attempting to collect many many bitz so that when I do get around to making an Ork army, it will have a very awesome theme, and after all, whats an Ork army without a theme.
So given my theme, here is the 2000pt list I have generated:
Big Mek: w/Power Klaw, Force Field, Cybork Body, Attack Squig, 'Eavy Armour
Big Mek: w/Power Klaw, Force Field, Cybork Body, Attack Squig, 'Eavy Armour
Deff Dread: w/Skorcha, Kustom Mega-Blasta, Armour Plates
Deff Dread: w/Skorcha, Rokkit Launcha, Armour Plates
'Ard Boyz - 11 w/Nob: Power Klaw, Boss Pole, 'Eavy Armour, Big Shoota, Rokkit Launcha, Dedicated Transport
Ork Boyz - 11 w/Nob: Power Klaw, Boss Pole, 'Eavy Armour, Nob Big Shoota, Rokkit Launcha, Dedicated Transport
Ork Boyz - 11 w/Nob: Power Klaw, Boss Pole, 'Eavy Armour, Nob Big Shoota, Rokkit Launcha, Dedicated Transport
Ork Boyz - 11 w/Nob: Power Klaw, Boss Pole, 'Eavy Armour, Nob Big Shoota, Rokkit Launcha, Dedicated Transport
Flash Gitz - 5: More Dakka, Ammo Runtz (3,) Kaptin Badrukk
Killa Kans - 3: Armour Plates, Shoota, Skorcha, Rokkit Launcha
Killa Kans - 3: Armour Plates, Shoota, Skorcha, Rokkit Launcha
Lootas - 10: Meks (2)
So heres the rub, I loaded the troops into trucks, but don't have transport for the Flash Gitz or the Lootas (who I plan on keeping in cover and using their range.) Ork players out there, whats your thoughts? Concerns? I thought about dropping a set of boyz and adding a looted tank or maybe working to find room for a Battle Wagon. Also everyone seems to be taking bikes or deffkoptas, should I look for points for those?